Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Response to Classmate (a.k.a. original title)

     In Kait's first post on her blog (http://kaitmusicandmore.blogspot.com/) she writes about her first few days here at Hartford and the "hurricane" that hit us. Here is my experience for my first few days:
     I arrived here and immediately got lost because I was told to go to the wrong building to sign in... ok, so fast forward a drive, I checked into Hawk Hall and went up to my room and unpacked and all. I met my roommate who I had been talking to for a few weeks now, him and I hit it off pretty well, and we still get along really well. As I was saying, "See you later" to my parents, my dad told me to be careful about the hurricane coming my way, Hurricane Irene.
     That weekend I did not plan to do anything because I thought there was going to be extremely strong winds and trees breaking and stuff flying everywhere... that weekend was actually one of the nicest ones since I have been here, it was beautiful weather (if I recall correctly), maybe it was raining, I'm not entirely sure. My home town on Long Island got hit pretty hard from what I heard, my parents sent me a video of a bit of flooding and a tree branch that smashed a car and on its way down, hit a power line, causing a fire in the street and a power outage for the next two and a half days. Here at Hartford, everything was perfectly ok, no strong winds just a bit of rain. My classes were delayed two days due to a weather alert to keep the students safe, so I had an extra day to check out where my classes were.
     Now after a month and some days, I can still say I'm really enjoying college and almost all that comes with it (not a big fan of the constant homework). I like where I'm headed and I intend on keeping myself on track to keep myself and my family happy with my hopeful future success.

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